
A great deal of support on both the local and national levels is available to 正规的网赌平台 students and all Bridgeport residents who struggle with 性侵犯 and/or sexuality issues. 通过以下资源的汇编,联系、学习、治愈和成长.


  • 校园安全
    UB培养安全, 配备足够的保安人员,确保学习环境的安全, 一个持续的事件报告系统, and adopting technology and other initiatives to safeguard our students 24 hours a day.
  • 性别性意识 (学生组织)
    GSA是下一代LGBTQ种族 & 性别正义组织,授权青年领袖倡导, 组织, 并发起一场争取更安全环境的运动.
  • 国际学生和学者中心
    的 国际学生和学者中心 assists international students, scholars and their dependents in immigration matters and adjusting to life in the United States.
  • 军事和退伍军人计划
    UB offers programs to assist veterans in taking full advantage of their educational benefits to achieve their goals in the next phase of their lives.
  • 多元文化事务
    多元文化事务 offers co-curricular and extra-curricular educational programs, 资源, 为多样性营造积极氛围的培训和服务.
  • 住宅生活
    住房和居住生活办公室为居民提供安全保障, 刺激, attractive living environments that promote building connections with other students and employees within the University community.
  • 学生无障碍服务
    SAS provides reasonable accommodations to reduce the impact of disabilities on academic functioning or other life activities in the University setting, 这样他们就能得到平等的教育机会.
  • 学生事务
    的 办公室 of the Dean of Students supports the success of UB students in their pursuit of knowledge and learning and to 教育 and support the whole student.
  • 校园安全 (学生组织)
    旨在预防和减少家庭暴力的方案, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 和被人跟踪.




  • 电话203‑576‑4534
  • 电子邮件
  • 办公室Wahlstrom图书馆,7楼,办公室704
第九条和Equity Compliance副主任
  • 电话860‑727‑6741
  • 电子邮件
  • 办公室Wahlstrom图书馆,7楼,办公室706
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